Clean Production Action (CPA) welcomes Ramboll as our newest Licensed GreenScreen® Profiler! Ramboll is a global architecture, engineering, and consultancy company that is headquartered in Denmark and operates in 35 countries. “CPA is excited to welcome Ramboll as the first Licensed GreenScreen® Profiler headquartered in Europe,” said Dr. Mark S. Rossi, Executive Director of CPA. “We look forward to deepening our work to bring safer chemicals and environmentally… …
We are excited to welcome Dr. Chris Helt as the new Director of GreenScreen. He brings a wealth of expertise and experience in developing chemical safety and sustainability standards and assessment methodologies, managing stakeholder engagement, and implementing large-scale projects such as the Beauty and Personal Care Product Sustainability Rating System. Dr. Helt comes to Clean Production Actin by way of the Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute, where he was the… …
Who are the ten disclosure leaders in chemical footprinting?
The public at large and investors in particular want businesses to be transparent about chemicals in products and supply chains, along with progress in reducing their chemical footprint. For example, The Sustainability Group at Loring, Wolcott & Coolidge, an investment firm, wants to know: “Does the company report publicly on goals to reduce its chemical footprint and its progress on that journey? To make informed investment decisions, we require reliable, replicable,… …
This week’s Toxic-Free Tidbit: Investors care about corporate chemical footprints and the CFP Survey! They tell investors how well companies manage their chemical risks. And the CFP Survey aligns with the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board’s (SASB) materiality metrics. Highlighted below are 1) the press release on the voting results for the recent shareholder resolution asking retailer giant TJX if & how it will reduce its chemical footprint and 2) the alignment of… …
Demand Is Rising for Chemical Footprinting
Every year CPA turns out new reports and standards, and these materials are chock full of information, but not everyone has the time to sit down and read a 40-page report, which is why we are introducing CPA’s Toxic-free Tidbits, curated content to ensure that as we arise from COVID-19, we are on the path for building back better. You can think of this as a small piece of delectable content pulled from a multi-course meal. Meet demand: participate in this… …
A truly global threat like COVID-19 affects all of us, and toxic chemicals can affect immune system defenses against infections. Workers, vulnerable populations, and other groups at higher risk for disease can have their risk for serious illness increased by their exposure to everyday toxic chemicals. But Clean Production Action is changing this course. By developing a standard to eliminate PFAS in firefighting foam. By encouraging companies to measure and reduce… …
The Business and Academic Partnership Project Group of the GC3 developed and piloted a new type of collaboration between companies and universities to evaluate safer alternatives to toxic chemicals using GreenScreen. The goal was to generate robust assessments of alternatives to support chemical substitution decision-making by GC3 companies and their supply chain partners, through pooling of knowledge, data and funds. The model was developed through a pilot project focused on identifying and… …
The State of Maine, USA unanimously adopted proposed regulations in February 2010 to protect the health of children by ensuring that chemicals of high concern in consumer products are replaced with safer alternatives. GreenScreen™ is endorsed as a good substitution assessment tool in the Regulation of Chemicals Use in Children’s Products. …