What is the Authorized GreenScreen Practitioner® Program?

Clean Production Action offers the most advanced training available for individuals interested in becoming licensed Authorized GreenScreen Practitioners. An Authorized GreenScreen Practitioner is a professional with the scientific expertise and training to perform high quality GreenScreen assessments for his or her registered organization.

This training program offers technical professionals – product designers, engineers, toxicologists, environmental health and safety experts, chemists, etc. - a unique opportunity to strengthen their professional portfolio while simultaneously helping their companies lead the way through the design of products that are safer for humans and the environment. As the need for alternatives assessment increases globally, in-house expertise in applying chemical hazard assessments will be an important measure of success and competitive advantage in this field.

What does the Authorized GreenScreen Practitioner® Program include?

  • Experience evaluating and using a wide variety of data sources to develop robust chemical hazard assessments
  • Personalized coaching
  • Hands-on experience performing GreenScreen assessments
  • Small workshop format

What are the components of the GreenScreen Practitioner Program course?

The training program includes two course components – the Advanced Topics course and the Practicum.

1. Advanced Topics course, including:

  • Twelve hours of live, interactive, participatory web-based instruction with experienced toxicologists/epidemiologists
  • Homework assignments to practice topics presented in class
  • Ample opportunity for questions and answers

2. The Practicum:

  • One comprehensive GreenScreen assessments on a chemical of your choice
  • Assessment carefully reviewed, with detailed feedback provided by our expert toxicologists and trainers
  • Ample opportunity for questions and answers live and online

Benefits of becoming an Authorized GreenScreen Practitioner:

  • Increased competitive advantage with professional credentialing
  • Experience developing robust chemical hazard assessments used in alternatives assessments, risk assessments, and Safety Data Sheets
  • Licensed to author assessments for his/her registered organization
  • Licensed to submit Authorized assessments for third party review resulting in Certified assessments
  • Recognition on the Clean Production Action website

Benefits for Organizations with Authorized GreenScreen Practitioners:

  • Reduce costs: Increase efficiencies by using internal experts to generate valuable authorized chemical hazard assessments
  • Increase sales: Meet customer needs for chemical hazard assessments in support of:
    • Materials procurement requirements
    • Environmentally preferable product development
    • Alternatives assessments
    • Achieving sustainability standards and ecolabel requirements
  • Reduce risk:
    • Clearly communicate and achieve internal safer chemistry product development targets
    • Leverage Clean Production Action third party review of Authorized assessments for high impact decisions 

Detailed Program Description


We are not currently accepting applications.

Onlie Application form

Application form - Word document

Applicants to the Authorized GreenScreen Practitioner Program must qualify and be accepted into the program. Applicants may or may not have formal training in toxicology, but should have experience and familiarity with evaluating chemical hazards. (Note: individuals without training in toxicology should expect that they will need to invest more time on homework and completion of the GreenScreen assessment). Participants who successfully complete the course are eligible to become Authorized GreenScreen Practitioners.

There are two parts to the Authorized GreenScreen Practitioner Program: the Advanced Topics Course, and the Practicum. Both are required for licensing. Total time commitment (sessions, homework, and practicum) is approximately 100 - 120 hours*.

*The bulk of the time is spent performing a full GreenScreen assessment. The time to complete each assessment is highly dependent on participants' prior experience and expertise. Individuals without training in toxicology should expect that they will need to invest more time on homework and completion of the GreenScreen assessment.

Authorized GreenScreen Practitioners are listed here.

Email greenscreen [at] cleanproduction.org or call 781.391.6743

"Having completed this class, I realize just how well conceived and rigorous the GreenScreen actually is. This course has opened my eyes to the nuances and resources associated with assessing chemicals. As a result of taking this class I am an even more fervent advocate for using this tool as a powerful aid in identifying safer substitutes that we can reasonably assume will limit future need for replacement because of hazard."
Mark Snyder, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
"Having done GreenScreen assessments internally for some time, I was surprised by how much I learned from the class. The instructors reviewed the work I submitted very carefully and pointed me to new data sources and new ways of looking at data. This has made my assessments stronger."
Cory Robertson, HP
“The class helped me develop a more consistent approach to GreenScreen assessments. Learning about new sources of data and how to interpret data from different sources removed much of the guesswork."
Leah Boyd, Siemens
