Are you interested in assessing the hazards associated with a given chemical using GreenScreen® for Safer Chemicals?  Then you have landed in the right place! Here we describe ways to obtain GreenScreen® Assessments. If you are interested in assessing a mixture, material or product using GreenScreen, then first read our FAQ on this subject.
  1. First, visit the GreenScreen Assessment Registry to determine whether a GreenScreen Assessment is available for your chemical of interest. You can search for available Assessments by Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) number. GreenScreen Assessments in the registry were performed by Licensed GreenScreen Profilers or equivalent.  
  2. If the chemical is found in the Registry – follow the Registry link to access the assessment through the Licensed GreenScreen Profiler’s website. Terms of Use Agreements and/or fees may apply. 
  3. If you cannot find an Assessment for your chemical of interest in the registry, you can contact and hire a Licensed GreenScreen Profiler to perform a new Assessment. 
  4. Depending on your needs and expertise, you can also train to become an Authorized GreenScreen® Practitioner™. Successful participants are licensed to complete Authorized Assessments for their registered organizations. 
A key strength of GreenScreen is that the method is fully transparent and free.  Anyone can download the GreenScreen Guidance and Resources to assess a chemical themselves. If you are interested in learning more about the method and working through an Assessment on your own, we encourage you to do so. However, if you are interested in using results of GreenScreen Assessments in any way publicly, you must adhere to our Terms of Use

GreenScreen Assessments performed by individuals other than Licensed GreenScreen Profilers or Authorized GreenScreen Practitioners are considered Unaccredited Assessments and cannot be used to earn credits or certification under any standards frameworks which incorporate GreenScreen, nor can they be used to make any type of product claims
