Editorial Update May 2, 2023. 

GreenScreen® Terms of Use

GreenScreen® for Safer Chemicals (“GreenScreen”) is transparent and freely available. Users of the GreenScreen method and materials must agree to the following terms of use before downloading and using the GreenScreen® for Safer Chemicals Hazard Assessment Guidance (Guidance), any and all associated Resources, (including, but not limited to, GreenScreen List Translator™) and GreenScreen Assessment reports:

  1. Only organizations or individuals who have a valid license agreement with Clean Production Action may use the GreenScreen and/or GreenScreen Certified trademarks and logos in accordance with their license agreements.  Licensees are listed on the Clean Production Action website.

  2. You may not reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, resell or otherwise exploit for any purposes, any portion of or use of GreenScreen materials in any of its forms; this includes, but is not limited to, the name GreenScreen or GreenScreen List Translator™ or elements of the GreenScreen Hazard Summary Table™.

  3. Clean Production Action owns all the intellectual property that includes, but is not limited to, GreenScreen for Safer Chemicals and GreenScreen List Translator™.  We make our methods and resources available.  Such intellectual property is subject to copyright, trademark or other intellectual property rights and laws.  Unless expressly stated otherwise, you may not reproduce, modify, disseminate or otherwise exploit our intellectual property in any way or form without our prior express written approval. 

  4. GreenScreen Guidance and Resources, including the Hazard Criteria and GreenScreen Benchmarks™, must be used as defined. If the assessment criteria are altered and used other than how they are defined, then the resulting assessment shall not be labeled as a GreenScreen Assessment and the resulting GreenScreen Benchmark™ shall not be labeled as a GreenScreen Benchmark. Use of the GreenScreen Assessment Report Template is required for all GreenScreen Assessment reports.

  5. Results from a GreenScreen List Translator™ Assessment must not be considered or referred to as results from a GreenScreen assessment. GreenScreen List Translator is a list-based approach to screening chemicals and is not a comprehensive GreenScreen Assessment. Chemical screening using the GreenScreen List Translator must use the correct terminology to describe the results. This means a chemical is scored as:

    1. LT-1 (List Translator-1)

    2. LT-P1 (List Translator-P1)

    3. LT-UNK (List Translator-Unknown)

  6. There are different types of GreenScreen assessments based on the individual or organization completing the assessment:

GreenScreen Assessment Type

GreenScreen Assessor Type




Authorized GreenScreen Practitioner


Licensed GreenScreen Profiler, CPA Consulting Toxicologist (includes assessments performed by Authorized GreenScreen Practitioners and upgraded to Certified through Clean Production Action)

  1. GreenScreen assessment reports should always include the following information:

    1. Type of GreenScreen Assessment (see #3)

    2. Type of Assessor (See #3)

    3. Name of assessor

    4. Date of final assessment

    5. Date of expiration

    6. Threshold for ingredient disclosure and assessment

  2. Product claims related to GreenScreen can only be made in accordance with the terms in the license agreement between the organization making the claims and Clean Production Action following successful completion of the GreenScreen Certified® process.  

  3. GreenScreen Assessments that are used to earn LEED credits shall be Certified and non-expired.

  4. All GreenScreen assessments are protected by copyright law and may not be distributed or otherwise shared in any form, electronic or otherwise, without the express written permission of the copyright owner.

  5. The Applications and Uses of a chemical listed in GreenScreen assessment reports include but do not encompass all possible uses. Each assessment assumes certain functional and end of life uses. Uses outside of that may result in hazards or transformation products not considered in the assessment report.

  6. Assessments are not performed by Clean Production Action, and Clean Production Action is not responsible for the work of other assessment authors.

  7. GreenScreen assessments are periodically performed by CPA’s Consulting Toxicologist(s) for special projects; such assessments are Certified.

  8. GreenScreen assessments are valid for a specified duration from the assessment date and the valid duration depends on the Benchmark score of the assessment.  Expired or superseded assessments may not be used to make claims of any sort.

    1. GreenScreen assessments resulting in a score of Benchmark-U, Benchmark-2, Benchmark-3, or Benchmark-4 (with or without subscripts) expire five years after the assessment date.  An assessment can be updated during the five year period per 14c herein.  The five year expiration policy goes into effect on January 1, 2019 for all assessments completed on or after the effective date.  Assessments conducted prior to January 1, 2019 retain their three year valid duration. 

    2. GreenScreen assessments resulting in a Benchmark score of Benchmark-1 do not expire, but can be updated per 14c herein.  The policy goes into effect on January 1, 2019 and is retroactive to all assessments conducted using GreenScreen v1.2 or later regardless of assessment date.    

    3. A GreenScreen assessment may be updated at any time.  The update process is typically initiated when new data become available that may change the results of the assessment.  The update process can be initiated by a client or an assessor (e.g., Licensed GreenScreen Profiler). 

    4. If new data become available that results in a change to the Benchmark score of an assessment, the assessment can be superseded by following CPA’s Benchmark Review Procedure.  The assessment that has been superseded is marked as such and is no longer valid. 

  9. GreenScreen assessments may be shared publicly only if access to the full report and supporting data are provided. It is not permissible to report just the GreenScreen Benchmark score and/or the hazard table without full report transparency.  The transparency requirement can be met in one of the following ways: 

    1. The full assessment report(s) is provided in the same document as the GreenScreen Benchmark score(s) and/or hazard summary table(s).

    2. Specified information about the full assessment report(s) is provided in the same document as the Benchmark score(s) and/or hazard summary table(s). The specified information shall include: 1) assessor, 2) assessment expiration date, and 3) where one can access the full assessment report (e.g., hyperlink to publicly available full assessment report).  

    3. The full assessment report(s) is provided to Clean Production Action and Clean Production Action provides permission and terms for the assessment report holder to publicly share the GreenScreen Benchmark score(s) and/or hazard summary table(s).

  10. Only one GreenScreen Benchmark score from a Certified assessment may be assigned to a single chemical. Clean Production Action will initiate a Benchmark Review Process in the case of multiple Benchmark scores from Certified assessments for the same chemical. Based on this review process, CPA will have final say over the chemical's assigned Benchmark score. The detailed policy is available with the GreenScreen Guidance and Resources.

Clean Production Action may modify these terms or any additional terms at any time. You should look at the terms regularly. We’ll post notice of modifications to these terms on this page.

Using this website and/or downloading the referenced materials means that you agree to be bound by the terms of the website, which may be changed in CPA's sole discretion from time to time.

Copyright © Clean Production Action / All rights reserved.
