What does the work of Clean Production Action mean to Black communities?

February is Black History Month, as well as National Cancer Prevention Month. Consistent with Clean Production Action’s mission of designing and delivering strategic solutions for replacing toxic chemicals with safer alternatives, we recognize the historic disenfranchisement of Black communities and the disproportionate negative impacts of toxic chemicals in products on Black people. Because of this, Black people have higher rates of cancer diagnosis and cancer-related deaths than other… …

Regulatory demands for PFAS-free firefighting foam products are on the rise - but are the alternatives safer? GreenScreen Certified® meets this demand and more

Three years ago, in January 2020, Clean Production Action with Toxic-Free Future launched the GreenScreen Certified® Standard for Firefighting Foam as the world's first ecolabel for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS)-free* firefighting foam products. Aqueous film forming foams (AFFF), the dominant product for fighting Class B fires, are made with the PFAS and are responsible for widespread contamination of waterways and drinking water sources. As awareness rose of the widespread… …

Find GreenScreen Certified® Products on Wayfair’s Shop Sustainably

Clean Production Action is excited to announce that GreenScreen Certified® is now one of the certification standards used by Wayfair to spotlight sustainable products offered on its platform. Through Wayfair’s Shop Sustainably offering, shoppers can easily filter for PFAS-free and environmentally preferred products like those certified by GreenScreen. GreenScreen® for Safer Chemicals is a globally recognized tool for chemical hazard assessment used by governments, companies like… …

Champions Designing PFAS-free and Healthier Furniture and Fabrics with GreenScreen Certified®

The entire class of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) is now a focus for elimination or restriction in many jurisdictions. This is because over the past few decades PFAS contamination has grown into a serious global health threat due to the ability of these chemicals to persist in the environment for hundreds of years; their presence in almost all human populations; and increasing evidence of their health impacts. PFAS use in all industry sectors is under scrutiny, and the furniture and… …

GreenScreen Certified® is the world’s first independent certification of firefighting products that do not use PFAS or thousands of other hazardous chemicals.

Certified foams are listed, approved and available now.

Clean Production Action is a non-profit dedicated to producing solutions for a safer chemicals economy. In 2020 we launched GreenScreen Certified® Firefighting Foam -  the world’s first independent certification of firefighting products that do not use PFAS or other known chemicals of high concern.  We designed the Standard using the globally recognized GreenScreen for Safer Chemicals hazard assessment tool, to ensure the standard is transparently safer for human health and… …

Learn chemical hazard assessment with GreenScreen

When I explain that I work with organizations and networks to promote the use of safer chemicals in products and supply chains I am often asked, “which companies should I support?” or “which products are safe?”  My fall back answer is to point out that there are company leaders who know what chemicals they use and are constantly seeking safer substitutes. But also the general public has a responsibility to go online and search to see if their favorite retailer or… …

GreenScreen Certified® Standard for Furniture & Fabrics: enhancing the health of people and the planet by providing purchasers with a roadmap to PFAS-free and preferred products

Did you know we spend over 90% of our time indoors?  And that exposure to some hazardous chemicals is actually higher indoors? That is why the chemical ingredients in the products we put into our homes and workplaces is a priority concern. Furniture and fabrics are a case in point.  Any use of hazardous chemicals in these products can leak out through volatilization and abrasion into the air and dust in our homes, offices, schools, and hospitals. Studies demonstrate that U.S. household… …

Why GreenScreen Certified® Standard for Firefighting Foam gives us added peace of mind

It not only prohibits PFAS but reduces the chemical footprint of the entire product

New evidence of the dangers of PFAS to firefighters seems to increase every week. Firefighters already have a 9 percent higher risk of being diagnosed with cancer than the general U.S. population. Now a recent study found San Francisco’s women firefighters are exposed to higher levels of certain toxic PFAS chemicals than women working in downtown San Francisco offices. Women firefighters who took part in the study had observed multiple breast cancer cases among their colleagues. As Heather… …