Who can make GreenScreen product claims?

Organizations seeking to make a product claim related to GreenScreen are encouraged to register and participate in the newly released GreenScreen Certified® program. The GreenScreen Certified® program is the only way an organization can make a valid product claim. All products that are authorized by Clean Production Action for product claims are listed on the Clean Production Action website under the GreenScreen Certified® product registry.   

How do you know if an organization is licensed to make a GreenScreen Certified® product claim?

All products that are authorized by Clean Production Action for product claims are listed on the Clean Production Action website under the GreenScreen Certified® product registry. The website is intended to showcase GreenScreen Certified® products and guard against false claims.     

Can GreenScreen service providers authorize GreenScreen product claims?

GreenScreen service providers do not have the authority to authorize their clients to make GreenScreen product claims or use any GreenScreen trademarks or logos. An organization seeking to make a product claim must work directly with Clean Production Action through the GreenScreen Certified® program. 

Who can use GreenScreen trademarks and logos to advertise their services?

Clean Production Action licenses organizations to provide one or more of the following services:

  • GreenScreen Assessments by Profiler Organizations,
  • GreenScreen Consulting by Consultant Organizations
  • GreenScreen Certification Support by Profiler and Consultant Organizations
  • List Translator Automation by Automators
  • Access to public GreenScreen assessment reports by Licensed GreenScreen Public Access Providers

Each of the GreenScreen service provider organizations has completed an application and training process related to the services they provide to ensure they have the organizational and technical capacity to provide those service(s). Each organization has also signed a license agreement with Clean Production Action. Service providers may display the GreenScreen trademarks and logos in accordance with the terms in their license agreement.

Clean Production Action also licenses individuals through the Authorized GreenScreen Practitioner® program. These individuals complete a rigorous training program and are licensed to perform assessments for their registered organization only. Authorized GreenScreen Practitioners are showcased on the Clean Production Action website.  

How do you know if an organization is licensed to provide GreenScreen-related services?

Clean Production Action maintains a public list of all licensed GreenScreen service providers on the Clean Production Action website to showcase their services and guard against false claims.


More about Product Claims:

Organizations that are leading the way in designing products using inherently safer ingredients are seeking ways to demonstrate their leadership to their customers. GreenScreen Certified® is a new product-level standard that meets this need. GreenScreen Certified® is a single attribute standard focused specifically on the chemical hazard of each ingredient in the product. This clear focus allows us to deliver the most comprehensive and scientifically robust hazard assessment approach in the form of a product standard by leveraging the GreenScreen for Safer Chemicals method. GreenScreen Certified® is uniquely positioned to communicate product leadership in this critical area of sustainability and Green Chemistry. 

An organization seeking to make a GreenScreen product claim works directly with Clean Production Action through the GreenScreen Certified™ program.

The new GreenScreen Certified® program replaces the verification process that was previously in place for making GreenScreen claims. As with GreenScreen Certified®, the verification process required an organization to work directly with Clean Production Action and sign a license agreement in order to make a product claim. However, the verification process was only designed to handle simple products with one predominant ingredient as identified by its chemical abstract service number. GreenScreen Certified® works for both simple products with one predominant ingredient as well as more complex products with many ingredients. 

GreenScreen Certified® is currently available for chemicals used in textile manufacturing. Clean Production Action intends to expand the program to other sectors and product categories. If you are a company seeking to make a GreenScreen product claim, please contact us.  This will help us gather information on what product categories and/or sectors have the most interest and demand. 

How do you know if a product claim is true?

Clean Production Action has developed a registry of all GreenScreen Certified® products on our website. The registry showcases leadership products and is a resource for customers seeking leadership products.  The registry guards against false claims, often called “greenwashing”, by maintaining a public record of all authentic product claims.  NOTE: Companies have made public claims concerning their Benchmark scores without verifying or certifying their scores with Clean Production Action. This registry has the most up to date and accurate claims concerning GreenScreen Certified (and formally verified products). Any other claim cannot be trusted as accurate information.

As a small NGO, we rely on the broader community to support us in maintaining the integrity of the GreenScreen brand.  If you become aware of an organization making a claim that cannot be substantiated by the Clean Production Action website, please bring this to our attention so we can address the issue directly. Email us at greenscreen@cleanproduction.org.
