Demand Is Rising for Chemical Footprinting

Every year CPA turns out new reports and standards, and these materials are chock full of information, but not everyone has the time to sit down and read a 40-page report, which is why we are introducing CPA’s Toxic-free Tidbits, curated content to ensure that as we arise from COVID-19, we are on the path for building back better. You can think of this as a small piece of delectable content pulled from a multi-course meal.
Meet demand: participate in this year’s CFP Survey!
This week’s Toxic-free Tidbit is a key finding from the 4th annual Chemical Footprint Project (CFP) Survey Report: Demand is Rising for Chemical Footprinting! Investors, NGOs, health care organizations, and retailers want to know where companies are on their journey to safer chemicals.

Companies participating in the CFP Survey gain benefits through greater transparency and communication across their value chains, and reduced business risks from knowledge gained from the journey to best-in-class chemicals management. Here's who participated in the CFP 2019 Survey...