Charting a Path --an initiative of the Center for Environmental Health, BizNGO (a Program of Clean Production Action), San Francisco Department of the Environment, and the Cancer Free Economy Network-- is an informal, multi-stakeholder group where information sharing and discussion across manufacturers, retailers, health care organizations, governments, and NGOs provide a platform for real solutions to PFAS in food service ware and packaging applications. Join the discussion as the group does a deep dive into the dark waters of PFAS testing methods. Speakers include Mark Rossi (Clean Production Action, BizNGO), Shari Franjevic (Clean Production Action, BizNGO), Jen Jackson (San Francisco Department of the Environment), Sue Chiang (Center for Environmental Health), Erika Schreder (Toxic-Free Future), and James Ewell (Cancer Free Economy Network). Contact Kayla if you would like to be added to the group’s email list.
Related Bios

Jen Jackson
Toxics Reduction & Healthy Ecosystems Programs Manager, SF Department of the EnvironmentJames Ewell
Associate Director & Sustainable Chemistry Practice Lead, North America, Anthesis