
When I explain that I work with organizations and networks to promote the use of safer chemicals in products and supply chains I am often asked, “which companies should I support?” or “which products are safe?”  My fall back answer is to point out that there are company leaders who know what chemicals they use and are constantly seeking safer substitutes. But also the general public has a responsibility to go online and search to see if their favorite retailer or brand has a good chemicals policy. However, I always end with the positive spin that there are many tools and strategies to help companies choose safer chemicals, like the GreenScreen® for Safer Chemicals.

To this end, Clean Production Action is taking registrations and applications for this year’s lineup of GreenScreen courses. The online GreenScreen Introductory course is available 24/7 for anyone interested in learning more about GreenScreen on their own schedule. But participants who register for the Advance Topics or apply for the Practitioner Program will gain the hands on benefit of being taught in real time. However, the deadline for these courses is February 16, 2021 so register or apply soon

The personal benefit to participants of these courses is best summarized by the graduates themselves in two webinars in 2017:

  • Antonio Quiñones-Rivera, PhD, Product Safety and Sustainability Manager at GOJO Industries stated that the current structure of GreenScreen training brings together participants from a variety of industries and encourages real-time interaction with students with different professional backgrounds.  He noted that his fellow GreenScreen Assessors are a resource to continue developing hazard assessment skills into the future.

  • Jon Smieja, PhD, formerly with Steelcase, now the Corporate Sustainability Manager at Andersen Windows, stated that the course gave him a wider vocabulary and ability to speak about chemical hazards across different industries enabling him to be more effective in his job. 

  • Teresa McGrath, formerly with Valspar Corporation, now the Chief Research Officer at Healthy Building Network, stated that she personally built skills by joining a community of experts for ongoing support. 

  • Doug Eichler, P.Eng., Project Portfolio Manager at Roxul Inc. highlighted that the GreenScreen training gives people, not formally trained in toxicology, a good understanding of the different hazards classifications and how they are evaluated. 

Recorded in 2017, these webinars reflect the professional benefits from these trainings. Which is why I think it’s important to highlight the personal value of these courses.  We know that change happens from dedicated individuals in companies who are keen to see safer chemicals in products and supply chains. This is why it’s important for these ‘champions’ to know they are part of a supportive community on this journey.

Best wishes to new participants!bev_7-22-2011-1-17-7-cropped_copy



Bev Thorpe
Program Consultant for Networks and Advocacy
Clean Production Action
