Newsletter: November 18, 2020

Meeting the demand for renewable energy with safer materials

     Meeting the challenge of global climate change requires significant new investments in renewable energy. Yet the renewable energy economy depends on toxic chemicals. Lead in solar panels. Cadmium telluride in solar cells. Hydrofluoric acid in manufacturing operations. Are all examples of toxic chemicals in the solar energy economy. From decades of experience in pollution prevention and clean production, we know the most efficient and effective pathway for managing toxic… …

Newsletter September 16, 2020

Updated ecolabel for firefighting foams expanded to include Class A firefighting products for wildfires, structural fires and other combustible materials

Clean Production Action’s updated GreenScreen Certified for Firefighting Foam now includes both Class A and Class B foam products and wetting agents.  Earlier this year Clean Production Action released the first ecolabel for firefighting products, GreenScreen Certified™ Standard for Firefighting Foam version 1.0, to certify PFAS-free* products for suppressing fires from flammable liquids such as gasoline (Class B fires). Responding to market demands for communicating… …

GreenScreen Certified for Fire Fighting Foam Launched

The Expanded GreenScreen Certified™ Standard for Firefighting Foam now prohibits PFAS and reduces the chemical footprint of both Class A and Class B firefighting foam products Bev Thorpe September 10, 2020    In early 2020, Clean Production Action launched the first eco-label certification for PFAS-free* firefighting foam.  Our GreenScreen Certified™ Firefighting Foam Standard was created to meet the demand for PFAS-free firefighting foam, typically used in Aqueous… …

Newsletter August 25, 2020

GreenScreen’s international reach extends with new product certifications

Today, Beva Silicones, based in Chennai, India,  joins an ever-growing list of leading global manufacturers who have chosen GreenScreen Certified™ as the preferred standard through which their textile finishing products are verified to meet the human and environmental health requirements of their clients.   We are pleased to add Beva Silicones and its impressive count of 15 newly GreenScreen Certified products to our catalogue. Learn more about Beva’s… …

Newsletter August 19, 2020

CPA welcomes more international partners into GreenScreen

Clean Production Action is happy to announce our newest Licensed GreenScreen Consulting Organization, the Taiwan-based Safety and Health Technology Center (SAHTECH). SAHTECH has a breadth and depth of experience and expertise supporting organizations in chemicals management, and can now assess whether products meet the criteria for GreenScreen Certified™ and will work with clients to optimize their use of the GreenScreen tool.      There are… …

Newsletter August 1, 2020

Kayla Williams is CPA’s New DEI Lead

We are excited to announce that Kayla Williams will fill Clean Production Action’s new position of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Lead. Kayla joined CPA a year ago as Communications and Program Coordinator and has grown into and beyond the job responsibilities of this position. Kayla has played an essential role in advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives and pushing for strategic and meaningful implementation of these values by the organization. With her help, CPA has been… …

New sustainability ranking reveals the chemical footprint of 35 chemical producers

Today, the environmental NGO ChemSec released a new corporate benchmarking tool—ChemScore that measures the chemical footprint and other sustainability metrics of 35 of the world’s largest chemical companies. Through ChemScore, investors can access data on the best and worst performers in the chemical industry based on the amount of hazardous chemicals they produce and their efforts to transition to safer, greener alternatives. The 35 largest publicly-traded chemical… …

Black Lives Matter - Justice, Peace, & Solidarity

Dear reader, The murders of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, Freddie Gray, Trayvon Martin, Tamir Rice, Eric Garner, Michael Brown, Philando Castile, Stephon Clark, and so many more starkly demonstrate the racism and associated violence by police and armed citizens that pervades America. COVID-19’s disproportionate impacts on communities of color, especially Black people, are yet another gruesome reminder of structural racism in our country. Lack of access to health care, jobs… …

ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH NEWS PFAS-free firefighting foams: Are they safer? by Lindsey Konkle

A potential solution One U.S. nonprofit is working with makers and buyers of PFAS-free firefighting foams to make that screening process smoother. In January, Clean Production Action launched the first eco-label certification program for PFAS-free firefighting foams. The program ensures that foams claiming to be PFAS-free are, in fact, free of these added chemicals, as well as thousands of other chemicals of high concern, such as alkylphenols, surfactants that are found in detergents, cleaners,… …

Everyday Products are Full of Harmful Chemicals. Can Green Chemistry Lead the Way to Safer Alternatives? by Meg Wilcox

To make products better for human health and the environment, you have to know what your suppliers are using to make what they send your way. But “20 years ago, most companies didn’t have a clue about what was in their products … unless there was a legal requirement,” says Mark Rossi, executive director of Clean Production Action and co-author of GreenScreen. …