Times are a changing -- in gratitude to our GreenScreen leader, Shari Franjevic...

It is with mixed emotions that we at Clean Production Action ask you to join us in wishing Shari Franjevic the best as she moves on to a new role at Washington State Department of Ecology. Shari has worked with Clean Production Action in many capacities over her 15 years with us, most recently as the Senior Program Manager, GreenScreen®. In this role she led and managed the development and implementation of the GreenScreen Certified® program, forged collaborative partnerships, educated technical professionals in the GreenScreen® for Safer Chemicals methodology, and oversaw numerous initiatives that make our world safer. We wish Shari the best of luck as she undertakes the next leg of her journey. We are better for having had her on board with us.
Also, if you have questions or needs about GreenScreen® for Safer Chemicals and GreenScreen™ List Translator contact me – mark(at)cleanproduction.org. For questions about GreenScreen Certified® contact Agnes Cheng – agnes(at)cleanproduction.org.
And please see the job announcement for our new Director, GreenScreen here.
All our best,
Mark S. Rossi, PhD
Executive Director