“To showcase the range of products available, Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families staff put together a list showing examples of paint strippers and graffiti, stain, and all-purpose removers that are safer than products with methylene chloride or NMP… To avoid falling into the trap of regrettable substitution, we intentionally excluded products that had ingredients as toxic as, or even more toxic than, methylene chloride or NMP. This meant disregarding products with one or more ingredients that were evaluated by Clean Production Action’s GreenScreen® Assessment and received a GreenScreen Benchmark™ score of Benchmark-1 (BM-1), defined as “Avoid – Chemical of High Concern.” Examples of BM-1 chemicals include methanol, naphthalene, toluene, and xylene. We also omitted products with one or more ingredients rated “LT-1” after being evaluated through the GreenScreen List Translator™. A score of “LT-1” means the chemical meets one or more criteria for the BM-1 score and is most likely to receive that score after a full GreenScreen assessment."