UC Berkeley Poster Session (December 6th at 5:00-6:30pm EST)
Not just an academic exercise: Berkeley students collaborating with industry, NGOs and government to develop Greener Solutions
Join us to learn about four exciting research projects to identify safer solutions to hazardous chemicals:
1. “Alternatives to polyethylene vacuum packaging for frozen foods”
Partner: Noble Ocean Farms
2. “Compostable adhesives for produce PLU stickers (to eliminate plastic packaging)”
Partner: US Department of Agriculture
3. “Non-PFAS formulations for floor polishes”
Partner: Defend Our Health
Students partnered with business, NGO, and government partners to create practical solutions to real world challenges.
Session 1. Building a Roadmap: Addressing Environmental Justice through Chemicals Management (December 7th at 11:00am-2:00pm EST)
Afford the BizNGO platform to advocacy organizations who represent a underrepresented populations to draw out the issue from these important perspectives by asking “what does your community need?” and using responses to spark conversations about what BizNGO can/should do to address their concerns.
Facilitator: Kayla Williams, DEI Lead & Communications Coordinator, Clean Production Action
Session 1a. Tuning In: How are hazardous chemicals affecting your community?
Michele Roberts, National Co-Coordinator of the Environmental Justice Health Alliance (EJHA)
Astrid Williams, Environmental Justice Manager, Black Women for Wellness
Session 1b. 12:45 Taking Steps to JDEI + chemical safety in businesses
Latonya Jackson, Assistant Professor of Biology, University of Cincinnati
Pam Miller, Executive Director, Alaska Community Action on Toxics
Susan Baker, Director of Shareholder Advocacy, Trillium Asset Management
Session 2. Transparency: Disclosing Chemicals in Products & Supply Chains (December 7th at 3:00-6:00pm EST)
Learn aspirations for chemical ingredient disclosure, efforts to implement transparency in policy, and steps businesses are taking towards disclosure, including supply chain disclosure.
Facilitator: Mark Rossi, Executive Director, Clean Production Action
Session 2a. Implementing the Principles for Chemical Ingredient Disclosure (3:00-4:15pm EST)
Mark Rossi, Executive Director, Clean Production Action
Introducing the Principles for Chemical Ingredient Disclosure and organizations endorsing the Principles
Avinash Kar, Senior Attorney, Natural Resources Defense Council
Reflecting on the Principles and how they relate to policy initiatives.
Jon Smieja, Corporate Sustainability Manager, Andersen Corporation
Implementing the Principles at business scale, challenges and successes
Session 2b. Growing Supply Chain Transparency—featuring the innovative Cosmetic Supply Chain Transparency Act (4:40-6:00pm EST)
Representative Jan Schakowsky, US House of Representatives
Speaking on why Congress needs to act on cosmetics safety, supply chain challenges, and the introduction of the Cosmetic Supply Chain Transparency Act in Congress
Mia Davis, VP, Sustainability & Impact, Credo Beauty; and Co-Founder, Pact Collective
Sharing why businesses are in support of Congressional action on supply chain transparency
Janet Nudelman, Director of Program and Policy, Breast Cancer Prevention Partners
Diving into the details of the Cosmetic Supply Chain Transparency Act and why consumers care
Session 3. Safer Chemicals in Manufacturing (December 8th at 11:00am-12:30pm EST)
Engage in the journey to safer chemicals in manufacturing with businesses, NGOs, and labor.
Facilitator: Cheri Peele, Chemical Footprint Project Program Manager, Clean Production Action
Charlotte Brody, Vice President for Occupational and Environmental Health, BlueGreen Alliance
Highlighting solutions to safer chemicals in manufacturing and why they matter to workers
Shari Franjevic, GreenScreen Program Manager, Clean Production Action
Sharing how GreenScreen Certified is bringing safer chemicals to manufacturing through the recently released Standard on Cleaners & Degreasers in Manufacturing
Jennifer Reece, Sustainable Materials Innovation Manager, HP Inc.
Revealing lessons learned in piloting the Chemical Footprint Project’s manufacturing module
Session 4. Standards, Indexes, & Purchasers Tracking Corporate Progress to Safer Chemicals (December 8th at 1:30-3:00pm EST)
What should the key performance indicators be for corporations in chemicals safety?
Facilitator: Alexandra McPherson, Principal, Niagara Share; and Consulting Program Manager, Investor Environmental Health Network Program Manager
Susan Wilburn, International Sustainability Director, Health Care Without Harm (HCWH)
Sharing the “chemicals index” in HCWH/UN Development Programme’s soon-to-be-released Sustainable Procurement Index for Health
Constantina Bichta, Associate Director of environmental, Social & Governance Research
Discussing key performance indicators of greatest interest to investors
Mellissa Nguyen, Senior Program Manager, Environmentally Preferred Sourcing, Vizient, Inc.
Using Chemical Footprint Project and other tools in procurement practices
Session 5. Circularity & Toxics: Bringing Chemical Safety to Closed Loop Systems (December 8th at 4:00-5:30pm EST)
Toxic chemicals in products make circularity unsafe. What can we do about it?
Facilitator: Beverley Thorpe, Consulting Program Manager, Networks & Advocacy, Clean Production Action
Sarah Doll, National Director, Safer States
Highlighting the need to address toxics in circularity and initial policy successes
Sue Chiang, Director, Food Programs, Center for Environmental Health
Covering safer food service ware from polystyrene to compostable products with PFAS to safer single use and reusable food service ware
Troy Virgo, Director of Sustainability, Shaw Industries, Inc.
Addressing the challenges and solutions to circularity and materials health for manufacturers