
UC Berkeley Poster Session (December 6th at 5:00-6:30pm EST)

Not just an academic exercise: Berkeley students collaborating with industry, NGOs and government to develop Greener Solutions
Join us to learn about four exciting research projects to identify safer solutions to hazardous chemicals:
1. “Alternatives to polyethylene vacuum packaging for frozen foods”
  • Partner: Noble Ocean Farms
2. “Compostable adhesives for produce PLU stickers (to eliminate plastic packaging)”
  • Partner: US Department of Agriculture
3. “Non-PFAS formulations for floor polishes”
  • Partner: Defend Our Health
Students partnered with business, NGO, and government partners to create practical solutions to real world challenges.


Session 1. Building a Roadmap: Addressing Environmental Justice through Chemicals Management (December 7th at 11:00am-2:00pm EST)

Afford the BizNGO platform to advocacy organizations who represent a underrepresented populations to draw out the issue from these important perspectives by asking “what does your community need?” and using responses to spark conversations about what BizNGO can/should do to address their concerns.
Facilitator: Kayla Williams, DEI Lead & Communications Coordinator, Clean Production Action

Session 1a. Tuning In: How are hazardous chemicals affecting your community? 

  • Michele Roberts, National Co-Coordinator of the Environmental Justice Health Alliance (EJHA)
  • Astrid Williams, Environmental Justice Manager, Black Women for Wellness 

Session 1b. 12:45 Taking Steps to JDEI + chemical safety in businesses


  • Latonya Jackson, Assistant Professor of Biology, University of Cincinnati
  • Pam Miller, Executive Director,  Alaska Community Action on Toxics
  • Susan Baker, Director of Shareholder Advocacy, Trillium Asset Management 


Session 2. Transparency: Disclosing Chemicals in Products & Supply Chains (December 7th at 3:00-6:00pm EST)

Learn aspirations for chemical ingredient disclosure, efforts to implement transparency in policy, and steps businesses are taking towards disclosure, including supply chain disclosure.
Facilitator: Mark Rossi, Executive Director, Clean Production Action

Session 2a. Implementing the Principles for Chemical Ingredient Disclosure (3:00-4:15pm EST)

  • Mark Rossi, Executive Director, Clean Production Action
    • Introducing the Principles for Chemical Ingredient Disclosure and organizations endorsing the Principles 
  • Avinash Kar, Senior Attorney, Natural Resources Defense Council
    • Reflecting on the Principles and how they relate to policy initiatives. 
  • Jon Smieja, Corporate Sustainability Manager, Andersen Corporation 
    • Implementing the Principles at business scale, challenges and successes

Session 2b. Growing Supply Chain Transparency—featuring the innovative Cosmetic Supply Chain Transparency Act (4:40-6:00pm EST)

  • Representative Jan Schakowsky, US House of Representatives 
    • Speaking on why Congress needs to act on cosmetics safety, supply chain challenges, and the introduction of the Cosmetic Supply Chain Transparency Act in Congress
  • Mia Davis, VP, Sustainability & Impact, Credo Beauty; and Co-Founder, Pact Collective
    • Sharing why businesses are in support of Congressional action on supply chain transparency
  • Janet Nudelman, Director of Program and Policy, Breast Cancer Prevention Partners 
    • Diving into the details of the Cosmetic Supply Chain Transparency Act and why consumers care


Session 3. Safer Chemicals in Manufacturing (December 8th at 11:00am-12:30pm EST)

Engage in the journey to safer chemicals in manufacturing with businesses, NGOs, and labor.
Facilitator: Cheri Peele, Chemical Footprint Project Program Manager, Clean Production Action
  • Charlotte Brody, Vice President for Occupational and Environmental Health, BlueGreen Alliance
    • Highlighting solutions to safer chemicals in manufacturing and why they matter to workers
  • Shari Franjevic, GreenScreen Program Manager, Clean Production Action
    • Sharing how GreenScreen Certified is bringing safer chemicals to manufacturing through the recently released Standard on Cleaners & Degreasers in Manufacturing
  • Jennifer Reece, Sustainable Materials Innovation Manager, HP Inc. 
    • Revealing lessons learned in piloting the Chemical Footprint Project’s manufacturing module

Session 4. Standards, Indexes, & Purchasers Tracking Corporate Progress to Safer Chemicals (December 8th at 1:30-3:00pm EST)

What should the key performance indicators be for corporations in chemicals safety?
Facilitator: Alexandra McPherson, Principal, Niagara Share; and Consulting Program Manager, Investor Environmental Health Network Program Manager
  • Susan Wilburn, International Sustainability Director, Health Care Without Harm (HCWH) 
    • Sharing the “chemicals index” in HCWH/UN Development Programme’s soon-to-be-released Sustainable Procurement Index for Health
  • Constantina Bichta, Associate Director of environmental, Social & Governance Research
    • Discussing key performance indicators of greatest interest to investors  
  • Mellissa Nguyen, Senior Program Manager, Environmentally Preferred Sourcing, Vizient, Inc.
    • Using Chemical Footprint Project and other tools in procurement practices 

Session 5. Circularity & Toxics: Bringing Chemical Safety to Closed Loop Systems (December 8th at 4:00-5:30pm EST)

Toxic chemicals in products make circularity unsafe. What can we do about it?
Facilitator: Beverley Thorpe, Consulting Program Manager, Networks & Advocacy, Clean Production Action
  • Sarah Doll, National Director, Safer States
    • Highlighting the need to address toxics in circularity and initial policy successes
  • Sue Chiang, Director, Food Programs, Center for Environmental Health 
    • Covering safer food service ware from polystyrene to compostable products with PFAS to safer single use and reusable food service ware 
  • Troy Virgo, Director of Sustainability, Shaw Industries, Inc.
    • Addressing the challenges and solutions to circularity and materials health for manufacturers


Session 1 Slide Deck

Session 2a Slide Deck

Session 2b Slide Deck

Session 3 Slide Deck

Session 4 Slide Deck

Session 5 Slide Deck
